The weather is really perfect and unexpected for this time of year but that goes with the theme of the 2016 season which is nothing has been normal, but I will take 50 degree night time temperatures in June as long as I can. Greens have been verticut the last two Monday's removing longer straglers of turf smoothing the surface and creating more upright turf for better playability and health of the greens. We will be topdressing the greens this week continuing to follow our organic matter dilution program. The program has different parts including aeration, topdressing, verticutting, brushing, venting, and Dry-jecting.
Tuesday June 14th you may encounter some sprinklers running during play. We will be conducting a certified flow test of our two wells as required by our water allocation permit issued by the NJ State DEP. A certified contractor will use an external portable flow meter to ensure that our permanent fixed flow meters are accurate. We record the amount of water we use monthly on both wells and report these values to the DEP at the end of the year. The state requires we have our flow meters calibrated and certified on a 3 year basis.
Hard to imagine the 9th Hole without the bunkers on the left |
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