The break in the weather has given us an opportunity to renovate the collars on the greens. Last Saturday I brought my old boss Frank Tichenor over to MGC to have a look around and discuss what I thought my options were for the collars. After bouncing ideas off each other here is what we are doing. On Wednesday I fertilized the collars with a half pound of nitrogen from a 50 percent organic 50 percent synthetic granular fertilizer. We received a half inch of rain on Wednesday night which was perfect for the fertilizer. Today we began aerating, seeding, and rolling the collars. I used 1/4 inch hollow side eject tines on the aerator at 2 inch by 2 inch spacing. We shoveled the cores, spread Declaration bentgrass seed at 2 lbs per thousand, then rolled the collars. We completed all the greens except 6,7, and 8 which will completed on Friday. This process will need to be repeated a few times before we are successful in establishing more bentgrass in the collars. The continued success of the new bentgrass will be dependent on the removal of certain trees around greens as well as increasing the fertility and air movement in these areas. Thank you for your patience.
Core Aeration of Collars |
Rolling Collars
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