Monday, June 15, 2020

Course Update

The course is very healthy heading into the summer months, all of the cultural practices performed this Spring have led to healthy turf and solid roots.  I am very pleased with the 5th and 6th greens, they look good and both have very dense root masses as you can see in the pics below.  We continue to lower the heights on both and are currently at .115" while the other greens are at .100", so they're getting closer.  This time of year is all about proper water management.  We've been trying to keep everything as dry as possible which has led to fast and firm conditions.  We continue to hand water greens and tees during the day.  If you see myself or my assistant watering a green please do not hit into us, you wouldn't do that if a member was putting so please show us the same respect.  We will be off the green as quickly as possible.  We've also noticed an increasing amount of unrepaired ball marks on greens, so please do your part and fix them.  Enjoy the weather.

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