Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Course Update

The crew has been back for a little over a week now and we've been focusing on mainly course cleanup from the winter.  Quite a few branches and limbs came down as well as leaves from the oak the trees.  The guys have done a really good job and the course is starting to come together.  Today we've been working specifically on putting the bunkers back together, moving sand around and pushing it back up on the edges from the winter wash outs.  We've also edged a few bunkers and will continue to do so.  We will begin greens and approach aeration starting on Thursday, it's clearly no optimal having courses closed at this point but it does allow us to get a lot of work completed uninterrupted.  Once we're done with that we will move onto tees.  After aeration we will look to begin fertilizing the roughs along with applying our pre-emergent throughout the course except on the putting surfaces.  Below is a few pics I took of the bunker work.  Stay healthy and keep washing those hands!

Repairing the liner in the green side bunker on #9

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