Saturday, September 21, 2013

Aeration and Recovery

We have completed the green, approach, and tee aeration for the fall season. The fall aeration is the single most important agronomic process that we undertake at MGC as it removes a large amount of organic matter that has built up over the season, introduces over 25 tons of sand into the soil profile, and increases our oxygen exchange capacity providing for healthier roots. This fall we chose to deep aerate the greens first, using 12 inch long ¾ inch wide tines to break the soil layers and create deep channels for roots and water to move through the soil profile. The greens were then aerated a second time using 5/8 coring tines at a very close spacing of 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches giving us over 10% surface disruption. This process is as aggressive as it gets and is needed to gain ground on our infiltration rates, air porosity, and water porosity.

We applied 250 pounds of Renovate Plus soil amendment to each of the 2nd, 5th, and 6th greens to aid in recovery and moisture management. Renovate Plus is a blend of organic and mineral amendments including kelp meal, compost and humic acids which make up a sustainable microbial food source of short, medium and long chained carbons. The mineral fraction of Renovate includes greensand, sul-po-mag, hard and soft rock phosphate, and calcium. This combination prevents de-mineralization of the soil and allows for roots to take up nutrients as needed, and is a great way to provide a biological foundation to any soil by promoting soil flocculation and turf recovery. Eco-Lite is the premier zeolite rock mineral mined from an exceptionally clean zeolite mine and provides an array of physical benefits including the highest CEC of all physical amendments. Zeolites are very hard rock minerals that possess a crystalline structure and have the capability to absorb water when the surrounding soil is wet, creating better air movement in the soil and allowing for the controlled release of this water when moisture levels in the soil fall.

The goal for the next 10 days is to drive recovery as quick as possible by providing ample nutrients and water. The greens will be mowed and rolled during afternoon dry conditions until all of the sand has settled. We will then switch to our good greens mowers and begin lowering the height of cut back to our normal setting. Thank you for your patience during this important time of year.

12 inch deep aeration - Fredco Golf

Core Aeration Tight Spacing

Afternoon dry rolling

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