July has been a very up and down month weather wise. It was fairly normal for the first half but then the heat and humidity reared their ugly heads with pop up thunderstorms in the afternoons. This can be a recipe for disaster but I was happy to see the course come through it with only a few bumps and bruises. The rain we received Saturday night and Monday morning was a welcomed sight, the daytime and nighttime temps have come way down and have given the golf course a chance to breathe again. We vented some of the greens yesterday and finished up today due to the rain. This is a vital practice as it promotes gas exchange and allows the turf to breathe, there is also a hormone in the roots that gets stimulated by splitting the root which in turn allows the root to branch off more making for healthier turf.
Bob venting the 3rd green. The playing surface is minimally disturbed and the aeration holes are relatively unnoticeable once the green is rolled. |
We've also been busy edging bunkers and adding new sand where needed. This gives the bunkers a fresh look and helps to make them stand out. I do ask that when you enter and exit and a bunker that you do it on the low side, please don't walk up the face of the bunkers. This destroys the edge and came make for some unplayable situations. Just a reminder that we will be dry-jecting the greens on Monday, August 15th and the course is closed September 19th and 20th for greens aeration. Enjoy the nice weather!